Branford Marsalis, saxophone
Friday, October 13, 2023
*Commissioned by Orpheus
This concert is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature; and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. The 2023-24 Season is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Kim Bleimann
Michael Harpe
Patrick Kocsi
Vice-chairman & Treasurer
Jinsoo J. Ro
Jonathan Becker-Kowolik
Timothy Boroughs
Alan Brenner
Douglas H. Evans
Cary Frieze
Emilie-Anne Gendron*
Sarah F. Leibowitz
Arthur Lindenauer
Elizabeth Lyman
Melissa Meell*
Kazutaka Mori
Jessica Ogbonnaya
Miho Saegusa*
Charles E. Scheidt
Mitchell A. Seider
Connie Steensma
Edmund H. Sutton
Pierre Trahan
Stephen Yan
*member musician
Trustees Emeriti
Laurie Brueckner
Cynthia Friedman
Jerry Gladstein
Katherine Hughes – Del Tufo
Martin D. Jacobson
Richard S. Lannamann
Walter A. Looney
Marc Mayer
Lizabeth Newman
Advisory Council
John Almandoz
Nick Asano
Elliott Forrest
Martin Fridson
Sarah Goltz
Abigail Honor
Joe Kaczorowski
Branford Marsalis
In Memoriam
Daniel Gersen, Esq.
J. Richard Hackman
Jay B. Langner
Paula J. Mueller
Executive Director
Alexander Scheirle
Artistic Directors
Gina Cuffari, Personnel Coordinator
Abi Fayette, Artistic Coordinator
Louis Hanzlik, Program Coordinator
Caroline Andrews, Operations and Community Engagement Coordinator
Hannah Cleveland, Development Associate
Caroline Curatolo, General Manager
Angela Gehring, Director of Finance & Community Engagement
Nick Johnson, Patron Engagement & Insights Associate
Mattie Kaiser, Director of Marketing & Communications
Lisa Mantone, Campaign Advisor
Lee Ramsey, Director of Development
Mark Valenzuela, Manager of Institutional Giving
Michael Volpert, Director of Artistic Planning
Public Relations
Hannah Goldshlack-Wolf, Wildkat
Tanja Dorn, Dorn Music
Orpheus is continuously driven by its founding principles – collaboration, tenacity, innovation, and solidarity. These values have held us strong for five decades. All we do in the concert hall and our community is made possible by generous contributions from our supporters. Thank you!
To learn more about becoming a member, please visit orpheusnyc.org/donate.
Opus Circle
$100,000 and above
Kim Bleimann
Concerto Circle
$50,000 to $99,999
Lisa Beck & Mitchell Seider
Patrick Kocsi
Sarah F. & Martin L. Leibowitz
Symphony Circle
$25,000 to $49,999
Anonymous Family Foundation
Barbara & Tim Boroughs
Nancy & Alan Brenner
Sarah E. Cogan & Douglas H. Evans
Dr. Kwang-Wu Kim
Susan & Arthur Lindenauer
Machiko & Kazutaka Mori
Connie Steensma & Richard Prins
Grace & Edmund Sutton
Anthony V. Thompson
Anne-Marie & Pierre Trahan
Deborah Winshel & Michael Harpe
Serenade Circle
$15,000 to $24,999
Suzanne & Michael Bloom
Cary J. Frieze, Esq.
Overture Circle
$5,000 to $14,999
Joan & Jeff Beal
Douglas & Jonathan Becker-Kowolik
Thomas Bishop
Mary & Brad Burnham
The John and Rosemary Brown Family Foundation
Alfredo Carballude
Edgar Coons
Elene Costan & Cruz Castillo
Katie Ford
Inger & William B. Ginsberg
Paul Gridley
Mimi Halpern
Brian & Vicki Hart
David Herbst
Sarah Hines & Ron Abramson
Joan Huang & James LeMaire
Katherine Hughes-Del Tufo
Ruth & Elliott Joseph
Vince Kelly
Corina Lakin & Nigel Dawn
Jo Ann Macy & Danek Bienkowski
Robin Maxwell & James Wilentz
Kate & Robert Niehaus
Jinsoo Ro
Shelley Frost Rubin
Shira Scheindlin & Stanley Friedman
Dominique Senequier
Rick & Tami Rosenthal
Kenneth Thorp
Karen van Bergen & Joseph Stumpe
Peg & Gary Wendlandt
Simon Yates & Kevin Roon
Lynn & YuanQing Zhang
Orpheus’ Patrons and Friends play a vital role in the success of the orchestra’s activities by making a gift of $250 to $4,999 to the Annual Fund. Each membership level offers unique and special access to the orchestra, including priority access to open rehearsals, recognition in concert programs, and invitations to private events. (As of September 15, 2023)
$2,500 to $4,999
David & Janice Barnard
Richard Bartlett
Sue Benigno
The Boudjouk Family
Una Cha & Jonathan Zucker
Jan & Stefan Ford
Cynthia Friedman
Liz Hall & Alexander Scheirle
Lisa & Sang Han
Wendy & David Hashmall
Vera & Richard Hofmann
Chris Hogan
Sandra & George Janow
Mary & Martin Jacobson
Joe Kaczorowski
Susan Kaminsky
Kathleen Krall
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Lannamann
John Lonsdorf
Diane & Walter Looney
Andrea & George Miller
Donna K. Nathan
Jessica Ogbonnaya
Tim Porter, Esq.
Elizabeth & George Reilly
Josh Rhee
Elaine Sisman & Martin Fridson
Patricia & Andrew Steffan
$1,000 to $2,499
Faruk & Firuza Amin
The Bachmann-Strauss Family
Brook Berlind
Jill & Jay Bernstein
Rhett Brandon & Frances Farrow-Brandon
Liz & Stan Brimberg
Owen & Dianne Carington Smith
Peri Clark
Mary Cleveland & Thomas Haines
Barbara & Richard A. Debs
Carol & Barry Dowles
Cathey Falvo
Julie & William Frazier
Kristin & Gary Friedman
Karen & Michael Gawrych
Angela & Jay Gerken
Adam Goldberg
Sharon Gurwitz
Mimi Head
Charles Johnston
Richard Kauffman & Ellen Jewett
Lynn Kelly
Ellen J. Odoner & Edward W. Kerson
Otho Kerr
Alex Lendvai
Ken Lake & Anthoney Lim
Robin & Frank Mara
Maureen Murphy
Wendy & Andy O’Shea
Mr. Graham Parker & Dr. Adam Benson
Michelle Pirret
Richard Pollara
Lee Ramsey & Matthew Barnard
Andrea & David Readhimer
Julie & Glen Rodolico
Virginia Sermier
Kenneth Seslowe
Mr. Shvetank Shah
Cristina Spensieri
Judy & Ed Stier
Shining Sung
Vishwanath Tirupattur & Cecilia Mongrut
Ann Weber & Chris Norell
Ronan & Martine Wicks
Anita & Byron Wien
Peter A. Wolfe
$500 to $999
Ilana & David Adelman
Homaira Akbari
Simone Amber
Robert Bleimann
Hugo Bovill
Megan & Nathan Catucci
Roger Chen
Libby & Richard Cohen
Melanie Cooksey
Stephanie Altman Dominus & Andrew Dominus
Stephen Feiman
Christopher Forbes
Elliott Forrest
William Fox Jr. Foundation
Lois & Marc Freedman
William Friedman
Laurie Garrett
Risa & Kenneth Gold
Daniel Greenberger
Harriet Greisser & Robert Remez
Mrs. Toshiko Gunji
Janet Gusman
Carter Harned
Tara & Clifford Harris
Mr. Matthew Hornbach
Bea & Glenn Hornedo
S. Brooks Huston
David Jacobson
John E. Johnson Jr.
Samual Keany
Clara & Jay Koh
Fred Kritzer
Maria & Michael Kuehn
Alfred & Roberta Klein
Paul Krump
Elizabeth Lansdale
Stuart Leblang
Charles & Nancy Little
Liz Lyman
Branford Marsalis
Catherine Martin
Vincent McGee
Deva Mecredy
Jill Moats
Arnold Moss
Mary Morse
Stephen Pisano
Mr. Francis Polizio
Bill & Mary Riddle
SJ Rieman
Rhoda & Norman Seider
Jo Ann & Samuel Silverstein
Barbara & David Singer
Ann Somma
Patty & Kent Swan
Helen Tannenbaum
Michael & Judith Thoyer
Scott VanWhy
Jo-Ann Fox Weingarten
John & Vanessa Wilcox
James Wilson
Beth Zadek
$250 to $499
Wendy Baker
Laura Barbanel
Ennius E. Bergsma
Janet Bissinger & Joseph Pantalone
Robert Bleimann
Daniel Brown
Wendy & Kendal Chapman
Carmen Ciparick
Caroline Curatolo
Gina Delio
Suzanne Dohm & Daniel Greenberger
Wanda & Lawrence Finch
Jordan Frazier
Barbara Friedland & Josiah Gluck
Ms. Stephanie Gerstein
Melissa M. Gibbs
Mary Cox Golden
Nancy & Richard Goodman
Betty Iu
Carol Ivanick
Barbara & Bob Kay
Maria & Michael Kuehn
Prof. Arthur Leonard
Marc Maltz
Ms. Estelle Marshall
David McDonald
Judith Preble Miller
Pam & Vincent Pagano
Nancy & David Payne
Dr. Norman Quan
Stacy Quinn
Virginia & Scott Ramsey
Mindy Ratner
Carol & Tim Rattray
Dr. Stephen Richardson
Terry Rieser
Emilia & Derek Riggs
Pascal Rioult
Dimitri Sevastopoulo
Daniel Sinasohn
Colleen Slattery
Irwin & Elizabeth Sollinger
Laurel Sorlie
Barbara & Eliot Spack
Nicole Steinborn
Szilvia Szmuk-Tanenbaum
Douglas Taylor
Memoriam Gifts
In memory of Lillian Bauch
Aaron & Ronnie Bauch
Richard Daniel
Jeff Durstewitz
Elizabeth & Frank Newman
Connie Steensma & Richard Prins
In memory of Randolph Haviland
Maureen S. Noaman
Lynne Platt
Laurel & Walter Stachura
Harriet & John Worobey
Susan Wright
In memory of Irma Mann
Elizabeth Mann
In memory of Marcus Goldsmith Thompson
Stanford Thompson
In memory of Barbara & Michael Barnard
Virginia & Scott Ramsey
Orpheus is proud to recognize the support of the foundations, corporations, and government agencies that enable the orchestra to enrich lives in New York City and around the world.
$100,000 to $299,999
Berjé, Inc.
Henry and Lucy Moses Fund, Inc.
Howard Gilman Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
Max Kade Foundation
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York State Council on the Arts
$25,000 to $49,999
Ardian Foundation
The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation
$5,000 to $24,999
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
Con Edison Company of New York
E. Nakamichi Foundation
Francis Goelet Charitable Lead Trusts
Frank & Lydia Bergen Foundation
Leon Levy Foundation
Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Inc.
New Music USA
Owen Petersen & Co.
TD Charitable Foundation
The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
The Hyde and Watson Foundation
Tru Fragrance & Beauty LLC
$4,999 and below
Brookdale Senior Living Foundation
Citrus & Allied Essences
F.D. Copeland & Son LTD
Flavor Materials International
J.C. Buck LTD
Orpheus is proud to recognize its valuable Legacy Society members, with those individuals who have chosen to include Orpheus within their estate planning – ensuring the future of Orpheus. For more information or to join the Legacy Society, please call (212) 896-1715.
A special thanks to our Charter Members:
Kim Bleimann
Laurie & Richard Brueckner
Sarah Clarke & Eric Bartlett
Sarah E. Cogan & Douglas H. Evans
Katherine Hughes-Del Tufo
Julie Landsman
Joan Poole & Randolph Haviland
Stewart Rose
Suzanne E. Salomon
As we look ahead to the next 50 years of collaborative, creative, unique and inclusive music-making, we are seeking funds to help sustain the Orchestra's financial future. We are grateful to the following donors who made leadership gifts to the Campaign:
Kim Bleimann
Nancy & Alan Brenner
Sarah E. Cogan & Douglas H. Evans
Martin Fridson & Elaine Sisman
Michael Harpe & Deborah Winshel
Patrick Kocsi
The Jacques and Margot Kohn Foundation
Jinsoo Ro
Mitchell Seider & Lisa Beck
Grace & Edmund Sutton
(alphabetical order)
Learn more at www.orpheusnyc.org/50
Orpheus would like to extend a special thanks to the companies and individuals listed below who have generously donated their time and resources.
Douglas & Jonathan Becker-Kowolik
Nancy & Alan Brenner
Laurie & Richard Brueckner
Adriana Ching & Eddie Chau
Consulate General of Germany in New York
Consulate General of Japan in New York
Laura Frautschi
Cynthia Friedman
Wolf Kahn
KKR & Co.
Chris Lee
The Museum of Modern Art
Vanessa Noel
Yuta Powell
Jinsoo Ro
Alexander Scheirle
Connie Steensma & Richard Prins
Pam Summey
Grace & Edmund Sutton
Dr. Ruth Westheimer
The Whitby Hotel
Eric Wyrick
Orpheus Social Club is a group for young professionals interested in meeting and mingling with fellow music lovers and expanding their knowledge and passion for classical music. Members have the privilege of attending unique events at exciting venues throughout New York City, all while supporting Orpheus, America’s preeminent chamber orchestra. (As of September 15, 2023)
Leadership Circle
$1,250 and above
Jonathan & Douglas Becker-Kowolik
Michelle Pirret
Jinsoo Ro
Premier Member
$500 to $1,249
Paola Corradetti & Guido Caprioglio
Maria & Michael Kuehn
Lisa Raylesberg
Josh S. H. Rhee
Individual Member
$300 to $499
Christian Fahrenbach
Boris Kaplevich
A thank you to all Orpheus Social Club members, including our Prelude Members, $150-$299, for their wonderful support!
Orpheus provides a unique perspective on the practice of leadership that can unlock creativity, agility, and collaboration at your organization.
The magic of Orpheus is not just in our sound, it’s the fact that everything is created and managed collaboratively. We’re sharing our best practices and approaches with leaders and teams that want not only better results, but more fulfilling work experiences.
Your team will learn through a combination of guided observation of Orpheus musicians in a creative session, interactive experiences and Q&A with the musicians. All programs are customizable and designed to be delivered virtually or in-person.
Learn more at www.orpheusnyc.org/institute
Nobuyuki Tsujii, piano
Saturday, January 27, 2024 | 7PM
Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall
Bomsori Kim, violin
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 | 7PM
Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall
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