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Director's Note
Getting to Know ... Once Upon a Mattress
A note from the director

I always say summers are such a special time around VT, but this summer especially has been so invigorating!

Not only have the students brought an incredible energy back to our spaces, but this summer I am so honored to be directing G2K...Once Upon A Mattress. Our incredible education department founder, Yvonne Pinkerton, directed the Venice Theatre full-length production of Mattress in the ‘60s, and so I am dedicating this summer and this show to her. I know she is looking down and smiling at the work we are doing not just with this program, but with all the programs we have had this summer. Our numbers have been smaller this year as we navigate returning to in-person classes but that doesn’t change the fact that throughout the summer we’ve had a community of students from all different backgrounds and walks of life.

These students range from five to 22 years of age, and we want for every single one of them (SummerStockers to kindergarten campers) to find their place here. Mattress is such a fun show, it has been a wonderfully collaborative process for our teaching team and I could not have asked for a better group of professionals to create with this summer.

Thank you William, Luke, and Vanessa for making this summer so special for our Mattress cast. Speaking of the cast, wow are they a powerhouse group! These 21 actors have overcome a lot of challenges this summer, and I am so proud of the production we have to offer you.

Thank you to the glorious interns who have impressed me with how capable they as teachers in their own right. And thank you to our incredible administrative assistant Gretchen, who has kept the lines of communication open through construction and “scootered” her way across our parking lot more times than I can count.

It’s so encouraging that each year we work with so many children; some who have done multiple shows and some for whom this is their first experience onstage. This year’s show and smaller numbers have given us such a great opportunity to focus on ensemble. We believe in the importance of the ensemble and value it as a key component in any actor’s journey.

This year VT has awarded approximately $10,000 dollars in scholarships to students in our summer programs and we want to thank our administration for making a clear commitment to those students and the donors who help us make that commitment a sustainable one. I hope your experience with our production of G2K...Once Upon A Mattress is as magical for you as it has been for myself, my team and our actors.


Kelly Duyn