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Composer / Music: Ezio Bosso, Violin Concerto #1

The start of the journey of creating Murmuration was when Maestro Bosso sent me his violin concerto many years ago and I fell in love with this piece of music. I waited for a couple of years to find the right company, situation, and place in my life to choreograph this ballet. In 2012 I choreographed Murmuration for Houston Ballet. When I first heard this piece of soaring music I was immediately attracted to the breadth of scale, scope, and intentionality because of what it brought out of me. A friend of mine sent me a message many years ago and sent me a video of a murmuration, a phenomena where starling birds take flight at dusk and make the most incredible patterns in the sky. I thought that this would be the perfect fit for this epic score. I could see the whirling patterns, and I could see the music come alive with this premise. The next step for me was to ask: what does this phenomena or event bring up in me? What does it make me feel like as an artist and as a choreographer? In my own ways, I like to create with an intentionality and a story. Even with abstract ballets, I like to create a storyline and be a storyteller. Murmuration makes me feel like the world is endless. It brings out so many feelings of the mysteries of life. It brings out the feeling and the stories of connection to this earth and to my own spirituality. So I created a story that these creatures all meet for an event on this sacred ground called the stage to be with each other, to convene with nature, but mostly to connect with God.

-Edwaard Liang