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Chichester Psalms
Text and Translation


Psalm 108, verse 2:
Urah, hanevel, v’chinor!
A-irah shahar!

Awake, psaltery and harp!
I will rouse the dawn!

Psalm 100, entire:
Hariu l’Adonai kol haarets.
Iv’du et Adonai b’simcha.
Bo-u l’fanav bir’nanah.
D’u ki Adonai Hu Elohim.
Hu asanu, v’lo anahnu.
Amo v’tson mar’ito.
Bo-u sh’arav b’todah,
Hatseirotav bit’hilah,
Hodu lo, bar’chu sh’mo.
Ki tov Adonai, l’olam has’do,
V’ad dor vador emunato.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness.
Come before His presence with singing.
Know ye that the Lord, He is God.
It is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves.
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise,
Be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.
For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endureth to all generations.


Psalm 23, entire:
Adonai ro-i, lo ehsar.
Bin’ot deshe yarbitseini,
Al mei m’nuhot y’nahaleini,
Naf’shi y’shovev,
Yan’heini b’ma’aglei tsedek,
L’ma’an sh’mo.
Gam ki eilech
B’gei tsalmavet,
Lo ira ra,
Ki Atah imadi.
Shiv’t’cha umishan’techa
Heimah y’nahamuni.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures,
He leadeth me beside the still waters,
He restoreth my soul,
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness,
For His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk
Through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
For Thou art with me.
Thy rod and Thy staff
They comfort me.

Ta’aroch l’fanai shulchan.
Neged tsor’rai,
Dishanta vashemen roshi
Cosi r’vayah.
Ach tov vahesed
Yird’funi kol y’mei hayai,
V’shav’ti b’veit Adonai
L’orech yamim.

Thou preparest a table before me.
In the presence of mine enemies,
Thou annointest my head with oil,
My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy
Shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Psalm 2, verses 1-4:
Lamah rag’shu goyim
Ul’umim yeh’gu rik?
Yit’yats’vu malchei erets,
V’roznim nos’du yahad,
Al Adonai v’al m’shiho.
N’natkah et mos’roteimo,
V’nashlichah mimenu avoteimo.
Yoshev bashamayim
Yis’hak, Adonai
Yil’ag lamo!

Why do the nations rage,
And the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together
Against the Lord and against His annointed.
Saying, let us break their bonds asunder,
And cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens
Shall laugh, and the Lord
Shall have them in derision!


Psalm 131, entire:
Adonai, Adonai,
Lo gavah libi,
V’lo ramu einai,
V’lo hilachti
Big’dolot uv’niflaot
Im lo shiviti
Naf’shi k’gamul alei imo,
Kagamul alai naf’shi.
Yahel Yis’rael el Adonai
Me’atah v’ad olam.
 Lord, Lord,
 My heart is not haughty,
 Nor mine eyes lofty,
 Neither do I exercise myself
 In great matters or in things
 Too wonderful for me.
 Surely I have calmed
 And quieted myself,
 As a child that is weaned of his mother,
 My soul is even as a weaned child.
 Let Israel hope in the Lord
 From henceforth and forever.

Psalm 133, verse 1:
Hineh mah tov,
Umah nayim,
Shevet ahim
Gam yahad.

Behold how good,
And how pleasant it is,
For brethren to dwell
Together in unity.