Leontyne Mbele-Mbong*
(The Spouse)

Leontyne Mbele-Mbong is delighted for her first show with Marin Shakes. Leontyne most recently seen in Pipeline with African-American Shakespeare Company, where she has also appeared as Lady M in Macbeth; the title role in Medea (TBA Award), and Cleopatra in Antony & Cleopatra (TBA Award Finalist). Recent shows: Cyrano and Hurricane Diane at the Aurora; Fefu and her Friends at A.C.T., Lear at CalShakes (BATCC Award). Some favorites: The Half-Life of Marie Curie (TheatreSquared, Fayetteville, AK); Watch on the Rhine (Berkeley Rep/Guthrie Theatre), Bull in a China Shop, Temple, and Breakfast with Mugabe (Aurora Theatre). Proud founding member of the Actors’ Reading Collective, and Associate Artist at Marin Shakespeare Company. www.leontynembele-mbong.com