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Valerie Fachman

Valerie Façhman is an actor/singer/writer. In Chicago she toured prisons with Geese Theater Co., schools with Imagination Theater, and as Susan B. Anthony for Shen Theatre. She performed with American Blues, Chicago Shakespeare Co., Pegasus Players, etc., birthing world premieres roles like the Healer in Oedipus Requiem (Blind Parrot Productions) and Missy in Shrapnel in the Heart  (Famous Door), where she met partner Scott Baker and joined his company, Performers Under Stress (PUS). Valerie co-founded Bright Arrow Theatre (branch of CityLit), to produce works by/about women. After child-rearing hiatus/move to SF, they reincarnated PUS and co-produced, performed, designed and wrote with them between 2006-2019. Valerie enjoyed performing at the Exit (Supremacy, Pastorella), with Theatre Pub (Lear), Collected Works (The Balcony), Shotgun Players (Our Town), and CMTC (How I Learned to Drive, BATCC & TBA nominations). They recently played Belaria in Cymbeline for Berkeley Shakespeare.