featuring the musicians of the Progressions program
Thursday, MAY 26, 2022 | 6:00 pm
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
Jacques Offenbach, Can-Can Theme
Gregory Kerkorian, Chorale No. 1
Combined First and Second Year Orchestras
Yareli Montenegro, Violin
Las Mañanitas
Fernanda Muñoz, Violin
Twinkle Theme
Sienna Smith, Viola, and Inioluwa Oluti, Violin
Rachel’s Repeat
Ryan Sullivan, Viola
May Song
Tessa Mallmann and Isaiah Morales, Violas
Zander’s Reel
Miley Milton-Phillips and Olive Sullivan, Cellos
Perpetual Motion
Danielle McKenzie, Double Bass
Gustav Holst, Jupiter Theme
Advanced Progressions Violins
Michael Story, Dragon Dance
Advanced Progressions Orchestra
Isabella Del Razo-Salazar, Violin
French Folk Song
Anna Brzezinski, Violin
Keith Barnes & Israel Gnewuch, Violins
Cielito Lindo
Damian Sanchez, Violin
Song of the Wind
Luis Romero-Martinez, Cello
Lightly Row
Charlotte Clementi and Melissa Najera-Ramirez, Cellos
Danyla Kirkpatrick, Viola
Chatter with the Angels
Charles Ray, Double Bass
Lightly Row
Combined Orchestras
Pure Imagination
Jim-Casey Pearson, Violin
Song of the Wind
Sherlyn Sanchez-Tiscareno, Violin
D Scale Duet
Ryan Sullivan and Peyden Perine, Violas
Bach, Minuet No. 3
Julius Newman, Viola
Bach, Minuet No. 1
Jeremy Whilby, Viola
O Come Little Children
Emaluna Cardenas, Cello
Willliam Hofeldt, Kaleidoscope
- Solemn Processional
Combined Orchestras
Lingashtakam (excerpt)
May Song
Paardhavi Veduruparthi, Violin
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Maroney Vang, Violin
Song of the Wind
Karina Morales and Sue Wah, Violins
French Folk Song
Arleth Cruz-Hernandez, Violin
Song of the Wind
Eliott Velazquez, Violin
Lightly Row
Jaihun Chawda, Violin
George Vance, Sarabande
Kayla, Double Bass
Oats, Peas and Beans
First Year Orchestra
G Scale
Belicia Lira, Violin
French Folk Song
Dejnag Xiong, Violin
Sofia Morales & Inioluwa Oluti, Violins
Good King Wenceslas
Gissel Hernandez, Violin
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Noemi Esparza Acevedo, Violin
Twinkle Theme
Althera Smith, Violin
Janiyah Bent, Violin
Lightly Row
Penelope Sullivan, Violin
Secret Solo
Alan Federico, Violin
Mark Williams, Celtic Dance
Vivaldi, The Four Seasons
Advanced Progressions Orchestra
Vivaldi, Spring
Tessa Mallmann, Viola
Happy Birthday
Isabella Macias, Violin
Paul Rolland, Persian Song
Mia Mathy, Violin
Pure Imagination
Ellie Pham, Violin
Twinkle Theme
Aniya Ayala, Violin
Rachel’s Repeat
Anurak Vang, Violin
Song of the Wind
Keith Barnes, Violin
Perpetual Motion
Yogi Chennuru, Violin
Andrew Balent, Hand Clap Boogie
Combined Orchestras
Congratulations to the 2022 Progressions program Graduates!
Larry Newman, Traffic Jam
Combined Orchestras with Guest Artists:
Sabrina Raber, Flute
Lilly Beane, Clarinet
Jenna Detro, Alto Saxophone
Redding Mortwedt, Trumpet
Zoe Hemmerling, Trombone
First Year Progressions Musicians
Aniya Ayala
Keith Barnes
Janiyah Bent
Jayda Brown
Jaihun Chawda
Yogendhar Chennuru
Arleth Cruz Hernandez
Noemi Esparza Acevedo
Israel Gnewuch
Gissel Hernandez
Ka'Lee Jackson
Belicia Lira
Isabella Macias
Mia Mathy
Yareli Montenegro
Sofia Morales
Fernanda Muñoz
Inioluwa Oluti
Ellie Pham
Damian Sanchez
Althera Smith
Penelope Sullivan
Maroney Vang
Anurak Vang
Paardhavi Veduruparthi
Eliott Velazquez
Dejnag Xiong
Xyianna Doss
Danyla Kilpatrick
Tessa Mallmann
Isaiah Morales
Peyden Perine
Sienna Smith
Ryan Sullivan
Emaluna Cardenas-Delgado
Charlotte Clementi
Miley Milton-Phillips
Melissa Najera Ramirez
Luis Romero Martinez
Olive Sullivan
Marely Avila
James Gipson
Zayyir Hodges
Bailee Nicholson
Charles Ray
Second Year Progressions Musicians
Anna Brzezinski
Isabella Del Razo
Alan Federico
Karina Morales
Jim-Casey Pearson
Sherlyn Sanchez Tiscareno
Sue Wah
Julius Newman
Jeremy Whilby
Edna Basurto-Sil
Dariana Garcia Hernandez
Danielle McKenzie
Dr. Janet Jensen, Progressions Director and Progressions Orchestra Conductor
Sonora Brusubardis, Violin Instructor
Tiffany Chang, Violin Instructor
Manuel Landin Lopez, Violin Instructor
Evan Lane, Viola Instructor
Ravenna Helson, Cello Instructor
John Babbitt, Bass Instructor
Tony Lucas, Progressions Mentor
Thank you to our Progressions and Prelude Orchestra Mentors:
Jack Cavanaugh
Luke Denson
Christianna Ebel
Jurnee Fisher*
Lauren Gooden*
Shelby Gooden*
Erin Krasovich
Emerson LaWall-Shane
Isabella McGinley
Amber Moreno-Padilla*
Emerson Neldner
Flynn O'Rear
Gabrielle Peck
* = Progressions graduate
Progressions, a part of MYSO’s innovative Community Partnership Programs, is an immersive string training program, which provides private instruction and orchestral training in violin, viola, cello, and bass to school-nominated third and fourth grade students who have limited musical experience and live in or attend a school in the City of Milwaukee.
Founded in 2003, Progressions has received national support and recognition. MYSO was named a National Arts and Humanities Youth Arts Program Award Winner for its work through Progressions as well as the 2014 Eureka Award from the Milwaukee Business Journal. The program also received funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and the League of American Orchestras.
One of the primary aims of Progressions is increased participation in MYSO by students from urban populations that face barriers of access and equity in music study.
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra gratefully acknowledges the National Endowment for the Arts, the Milwaukee Arts Board, MPS Partnership for the Arts and Humanities, and the United Performing Arts Fund, for their generous support of this program.
Donations to MYSO are the crucial funding source that allow us to nurture, challenge, and inspire young minds, profoundly changing lives and our community for the better. We are tremendously grateful for these gifts.
This list recognizes gifts of $250 or more that were received from July 1, 2021 – May 3, 2022. Our apologies for any omissions or errors. We encourage you to call Emma Kunz, Philanthropy Operations Manager, at 414-267-2943 with questions or corrections—or to learn how to make a much-appreciated gift to MYSO.
Energetic, strong
$350,000 - $1,000,000
SBA Administration
United Performing Arts Fund
$100,000 - $349,999
The Burke Foundation
Scott & Lynn Molitor
$20,000 - $99,999
Isabel Bader
Jim & Andrea Emling
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Harri Hoffmann Family Foundation
The Hearst Foundation
Herzfeld Foundation
Kim & Peter Jankowiak
Angela Johnston
Milwaukee Public Schools Partnership for the Arts & Humanities
With fire
$10,000 - $19,999
Anonymous (2)
Dorothy Inbusch Foundation
Francie Luke Silverman Foundation
The Frank and Lucille Puncer Foundation
Tim & Sue Frautschi
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Adelaide F. Banaszynski Memorial Fund
Luedke-Smith Fund
Margarete & David Harvey
The Heil Family Foundation
Krause Family Foundation
Erik & Carol Moeser
William and Janice Godfrey Family Foundation Trust
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (3)
Anon Charitable Trust
Mike & Laura Arnow
Donna & Donald Baumgartner
Bert L. & Patricia S. Steigleder Charitable Trust
Ken & Kris Best
Anthony & Andrea Bryant
The Croen Foundation, Inc.
Jeff Edelstein
Linda Edelstein
The Frieda and William Hunt Memorial Trust
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Bobbi and Jim Caraway Fund
Madeleine & David Lubar
Maihaugen Foundation
Elaine & Gerry Mainman
Milwaukee County Cultural Artistic and Musical Programming Advisory Council
Larry & Diana Morton
Jodi Peck & Les Weil
Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD
Craig & Mary Robyn Peotter
Puelicher Foundation
Ralph Evinrude Foundation, Inc.
Riverwater Partners, LLC
Julie Tolan & Mark Wiesman
Judy & Mike Van Handel
We Energies Foundation
Weiss Family Foundation
Steve & Sarah Zimmerman
$2,500 - $4,999
Drs. Brian & Laurel Bear
John & Marilyn Breidster
James & Diane Brown
Richard Buchband and Betsy Rosenblum
Digicorp, Inc.
George & Sandy Dionisopoulos
Dal & Jackie Drummer
John Edelstein
Elmbrook Rotary Foundation
Ernest and Sally Micek Family Foundation
George & Jill Fahr
Steve & Nancy Fisher
Lisa A. Froemming
Goldstein Law Group, S.C.
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Michael & Jennifer Hansen
Husch Blackwell LLP
Jayne J. Jordan
Laskin Family
Nathaniel K. Lynn
Jennifer Mattes
Robert & Barbara Monnat
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Faye Scheil
James & Andrea Schloemer
Mark & Julie Steinhafel
Drs. Tim & Anna Trotier
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
Jan Wade
Richard Walters
Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the National Endowment for the Arts
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (2)
Abbot Charitable Foundation
Tino and Penny Arvanetes
Sue Bellehumeur
Ted & Janice Blum
BMO Harris Bank
Brico Fund
Holden Brooks
Patricia Cadorin
Diane & Craigh Cepukenas
Susan Cerletty
Sue & Curt Culver
Linda Czestler
Davidson and Harley Fund, Inc.
Thomas & Deborah Degnan
Delta Omicron Foundation
John & Tamara Dunn
Patricia A. Ellis, Ed.D
Tom Ellis
Suja Finnerty
Dean Fitzgerald
Penny Forrest
Barbara Froemming
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Milwaukee Music Scholarship Fund
Martin & Beverly Greenberg
Sigrid Gullickson Jablonka & Roy H. Jablonka
The Gustav & Gladys Kindt Foundation
William Haack
Glen & Claire Hackmann
Steve Hargarten
David & Judy Hecker
Ravenna Helson & Randolph J Lipchik
Cristina D. Hernandez
HH Camp Foundation
Troy & Elizabeth Hilliard
Howard Frankenthal Family Foundation, Ltd.
Joanne W. Hulce
John & Marci Hunzinger
Hunzinger Construction Company
Independence First
J Randall Potter Memorial Endowment Fund
Amy S. Jensen
JM Morzinski Giving Fund
Renee Johnson and Michael Gielow
Amy Jones
Greg & Linda Kliebhan
Tara & Darren Kozik
Donald & JoAnne Krause
Will & Beth Kubly
Bob & Mary Loots
Ann MacIver
Ken Masur
Ascaris Mayo
Mac & Sandy McSweeney
Milwaukee Arts Board and Wisconsin Arts Board, with funds from the State of Wisconsin
Taylor Monroe
Deborah Musante
NOG, Inc
Richard & Lois Pauls
Anthony & Beverly Petullo
John & Nicole Pienkos
PNC Foundation
Beatrice Pronley
Barbara Recht
Steve & Fran Richman
Sally Rondeau
Jay and Tracy Rothman
Steve Russ
Dr. Thomas J. Russell
Sabljak and Budisch
David & Joyce Sauer
Carol & Kevin Schuele
Schwab Charitable
Scripps Howard Foundation
David & Jean Simbro
Carter & Pamela Simmons
Dawn Simmons
Nathaniel Stein
Barbara & Dennis Wanless
Wolohan Family Foundation
ZS Architectural Engineering
With expression
$500 - $999
Anonymous (3)
Marion & Laurie Anders
Danielle Baerwald
Baird Foundation
Bank Five Nine
Francis Barry-Lenoch
Bell Orthodontic Solutions
Peter & Sally Blommer
Krista Brookman
Bruce & Marsha Camitta
Richard & Sharon Canter
Cedar Crest Specialties Inc.
Helen Chang
J. M Collins
Lynda & Tom Curl
Lanny & Tina Curtis
Curt Downes-First Weber Realtors
Jim Dunn
Peter Eash-Scott
Jack Edelstein & Sharon Lewin
Erik & Vanessa Eisenmann
Jim & Caryn Esten
Eloise & Terri Field
David Frank
Ruth Gosse
Penny & William Gutekunst
Dick Hack & Suzan Ben-Poorat
Drs. John & Heidi Hallett
Torrin Hallett
Patty Hanz & David Feiss
William Hienz
Charles & Jean Holmburg
David & Tracy Jahnke
Angie Jellish
Mike & Mary Jordan
John Kannenberg
Fritz & Kristen Kidd
Tom Kissinger
Dr. Kathleen Koth
Debora M. Laws
David & Judy Levin
Michael & Deb Linley
Lonstrof Trust
Joan Lubar
Fran Luebke
Martha Mainland
Patrice Nadolny
Joel & Donna Nettesheim
Jarod & Jill Newman
Northern Trust Securities, Inc.
Ken & Lisa Nowakowski
Ron Oshima and Kari Oshima Gunderson
Rebecca Owen
Diane Roznowski
Jeffrey Roznowski
Tom & Judy Saeger
Seer Interactive
Kristin Severson
Rick & Julie Seybold
L. William Staudenmaier
Anne & Ben Swoboda
Kent & Marna Tess-Mattner
Chloe & Francesco Tula/Lecee-Chon
Dr. Tami and Mr. Gregg Ulatowski
Antoinette Vaughn
Paul & Lynn Veldhouse
White House of Music
$250 - $499
Anonymous (3)
Chris Addison
Wilton Aebersold
Renee Aranda
Paul Baerwald
Obdulia Bailey
Daniel & Sarah Beane
Brian & Laurel Bear
Michael Beix & Cheryl Miracle
Marianne Bellot
Julie & Mark Berquist
Bert & Marlene Bilsky
Pat & Wayne Bjorgaard
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Philip Blank
Jonathan Bloom
Erin Booth O'Rear
Peggy Bremner
David & Barbara Bresnahan
Martha Brown & Tony Lam
Matei and Shana Bulgar
Liyu Chen
Gil and Sinikka Church
Mary and James Conelly
Koko Cooper
Thomas Cooper
Marilyn Coraggio
Matthew Cordier
Betsy & Dan Corry
Kathryn Costello
Benjamin Crnkovich
Daniel Dale
Antony & Nikki D'Cruz
Caroleena DCruz
Anna De La Pena
Anne de Vroome & Garrett Kamerling
Steven and Kathryn Denson
Robert & Shirley Downey
David & Roberta Drews
Walter Dryburgh
Howard & Eileen Dubner
Trish Dulka
Esther Durairaj
Ted & Beth Durant
Thomas & Linda Dvorak
Johnathan & Candice Ebel
Suzy Ettinger
Matt & Theresa Field
Ed & Joanne Filmanowicz
Fish Window Cleaning
Thomas & Nancy Florsheim
George Forish
Bob Foster
Katie Foy
Richard S. Gallagher
Paul & Nicole Gerew
David Goldhaber & Davida Amenta
Yvonne & Lawrence Gooden
Brad Grady
Chrisetta Guthrie
Philip Halley
Phil & Mary June Hanrahan
Michael & Jennifer Hansen
Ed & Doris Heiser
Elizabeth Hill-Karbowski & Jeff Karbowski
Laura Hirano
Paul & Ellie Jacobson
Stanley Jaspan
David & Mel Johnson
Andrew Jones
Steve & Ellen Kellogg
Scott & Ellen Knowles
W. David & Dedi Knox II
Dr. Joan Kojis
Connie & John Kordsmeier
John & Donna Krasovich
Michael & Patricia Kremin
Kathy & Scott Kroeger
Katarzyna Krynicka
Ken and Christina Kunda
Eric & Linda Lanke
Scott Lawrence
Nathan & Beth Laws
Eileen & Paul Lefort
John & Brenda Letellier
Paul & Erin Margerie
Bob & Ann McCormick
Susan McCoyd
Jim McKeown
Rosario Mercado
Jim & Sandy Metzger
Jay Miller & Donna Faw
Richard and Sharon Moore
'nalytix LLC
Andy & Rachel Napierala
Jack & Kim Nelson
Gene & Barbara Novak
Dave & Sue Ogden
Peter Ogden & Terri Mahoney-Ogden
Ogden & Company, Inc.
Julie Ragland & Russell Grabczyk
Ben & Kristin Rehberg
Rexnord Foundation Inc.
Julie Rickert
Andy and Natalie Sajdak
Edwin & Jessica Santiago
Jim & Karen Schlater
Jane & Mark Schroeder
Jennifer Shipley
Russ & Barb Simpson
Nathan Smith
Sommer's Buick-GMC-Subaru
Joan Spector
Chad Michael Sponholz
Joan Stanford
Brian & Pam Stark
Dick & Susi Stoll
Thane & Carol Storck
Audrey Strnad
Nina Stull
Lenore Swoboda
TMB Development
Mark & Christina Toth
Trattoria Stefano!
Steve & Norma Tretheway
Steven & Denise Trinkl
Todd Turk
United States Alliance Fire Protection
Miriam van de Sype
Margie Vehrenkamp
Terry & Ladene Veldhouse
Veritiv Charitable Giving Fund
Rhona Vogel
Rebecca Walker-Carr
Jean Weaver
Jim & Susee Wiechmann
Colleen Wilder
Paul and Sandy Wysocki
Don & Marian Yoder
Michael and Eileen Zei
Shuang Zhao