Taj Mahal
Los Lobos
North Mississippi Allstars
Gates Open:
6 PM
Set Times:
7:30 PM: North Mississippi Allstars*
8:15 PM: Los Lobos*
9:40 PM: Taj Mahal*
*All performance and event times are subject to change.
Living legend Taj Mahal uniquely blends traditional blues and rock with influences of the American South, the Caribbean, and Africa to produce a memorable sound heard in hits like “Queen Bee” and “Corinna.”
Los Lobos’ blend of Tex-Mex rock ’n’ roll, country, and blues in tunes such as “La Bamba,” “Come On, Let’s Go,” and more made them a fan-favorite for decades.
Southern blues band North Mississippi Allstars open the show with hits from their impressive discography of 13 albums, including their latest: Set Sail (2022).
Ensure the music and magic of Wolf Trap continue for generations. Learn more about the Campaign for Wolf Trap: Our Next Chapter at wolftrap.org/campaign.
Dan and Gayle D’Aniello