× Tonight's Program Welcome from the CEO Curtains up! Season at a Glance Community Outreach Program Thank you to our Sponsors Leadership, Staff & Volunteers Our Supporters Cultural Alliance of York County Centennial Capital Campaign Learning & Engagement More to Know Upcoming Events Past Events
Image for Leadership, Staff & Volunteers
Leadership, Staff & Volunteers
Appell Center For The Performing Arts

Executive Committee

Chair Kira Wagner

Vice Chair/DEIA Chair Elaine Bonneau

Immediate Past Chair/Governance Chair Gene Draganosky

Treasurer/Finance Chair Victoria Connor

Facilities Chair Kyle Jones

Partnership Chair Natalee Gunderson


Mary Beth Ching

Martin Fedorko

Re. Dr. Mark Kearse

Jenette Lloyd-Jones

Daniel Meckley

Thomas O’Shea 

Dr. Kurt Thomas

Dr. Paul Tolerico

Larissa Tosch

Elizabeth Zifferer


Louis Appell, Jr. 1978-81 

Anne C. Hoover 1981-84 

Leroy A. King, Jr. 1984-85 

William B. Zimmerman 1985-86 

Fran E. Ports 1986-87 

Terence J. Kearney 1987-88 

William R. Hartman 1988-89 

Richard C. Hogentogler 1989-90 

Benjamin A. Hoover, II 1990-91 

Erda G. Erdos 1991-92 

John G. Yates 1992-93 

Delaine A. Toerper 1993-94 

Louis J. Appell, Jr. 1993-95 (Foundation) 

Michael H. Hady, III 1994-95 

Shawn A. Stine 1995-96 

Benjamin A. Hoover, II 1995-97 (Foundation) 

Judy Simpson 1996-97 

Jeffrey W. Byers 1997-98 

John C. Schmidt 1997-99 (Foundation) 

William J. Scott, III 1998-2000 

Morton F. Zifferer, Jr. 1999-2001 

Anne W. Kinsley 2000-01 (Foundation) 

Timothy P. Ruth 2001-02 

Leroy A. King, Jr. 2001-02 (Foundation) 

Benjamin A. Hoover, II 2002-04 

Leroy A King, Jr. 2004-06 

Michael Heine 2006-08 

Charles Wise 2008-2010 

Anthony Campisi 2010-2012 

Joel Menchey 2012-2014 

Loren Kroh 2014-2016 

Eric Menzer 2016-2018 

Krista Gardner 2018-2020

Gene Draganosky 2020-2022



President & CEO Todd Fogdall

Administrative Assistant Michelle Richard

Box Office

Senior Box Office Agent Julie Lavetan

Box Office Agent Bea Campbell


Director of Development Mindi Haines

Development Manager Kimberly Soderberg

Development & Education Assistant Dan Crowell


Director of Marketing Debra L. Volz

Marketing Content Manager Dave Hoffheins


Director of Education & Community Engagement AJ Myers 


Director of Operations Amanda Spalla

Operations Manager Katelyn Estep

Operations Assistant Jeremy Kilgore

House Manager Stephanie Becker

House Manager Joel Perez

House Manager Jaliya Monroe

House Manager Tina Meckley

House Manager Daniel Poole

House Manager Jay Yeaple

House Manager Bridget Young

Bartender Robin Rhoades

Bartender Nathan Ginter

Bartender Liv Mendez

Bartender Mark Zortman

Production Staff

Production Express Steve Shelley, Owner

Head Tech Jamie Heath


Bob Albright

Sandy Aldinger

Janet Alibrandis

Henrietta Alicea

Mary Alpaugh

Maliik Anderson

Yul Baker

Linda Baugher

Cliff Beck

Janene Beck

Sally Beck

Steve Beck

Stephanie Becker

Claudia Besecker

Joan Book

Margaret Bowen

Cindy Brown

Joann Byrne

Ron Byrne

Lin Carlson

Amy Cathell

Carol Cottingham

Carol Cousins

Isabella Cousins

Arthur Curtis

Cathy Dalton

Janet Deamer

Katherine Delauder

Melvin Doyle

Bob Ehlenbeck

Ellen Ehlenbeck

Susan Epley

Cheryl Everhart

Iris Ferber

Cherie Flaherty

Bradley Flinchbaugh

Rick Fonda

Arnie Fritzius

Dennis Fry

Linda Fry

Regina Giuffrida

Evelyn Godsey

Pauline Gross

Peach Hamm

Duane Herbert

Brian Hershner

Linda Hershner

Cindy Hoehn

Beth Holt

Stephen Holt

Betsy Holtzman

Brian Honeychuck

Bill Houghton

Rhonda Jones

Debra Kemper

Brenda Kiger

Shirley Klinedinst

Robert Kluk

Laura Koebnick

Bennett Leas

Tamara Leas

Diane Leib

Rina Leo

Gabby Linnell

Kelly Linnell

Jim Loehwing

Kim Lombardo

Jonathan Lopes

Bonnie Martin

Annie Massin

Pam McIntosh

Suzanne Mescan

Sheri Mickley

Kathy Mierzwa

Connie Miklusek

Sally Miller

Greg Mitchell

Lucinda Morrisson

Anne Nichol

Paul Nichol

Dave Norris

Jean Norris

Rosha Parker

Pat Parks

Linda Paules

Darwin Peiffer

Phyllis Peiffer

Clay Pinckney

Joyce Porteus

Carla Purdy

Syd Purdy

Kathy Raio

Tim Raio

Santos Ramos

Meg Rea

Adele Rossiter

Russ Sarich

Ginny Schucht

Sam Schucht

Terri Scott

Moninne Seitz

Peggy Selway

Sarah Shaver

Tamar Smallwood

Janet Smith

Sheryl Smith

Roy Snoke

Joan Snyder

Christine Staats

Tracy Stabler

Darrell Steckler

Benjamin Stein

Cindy Stoltzfus

Stephanie Stough

Doris Sullivan

Marty Tassia

Lori Topper

Steven Tracy

Jen Trout

Tess Trueheart

Ana Tuali

Custer Ugbome

Mike Vernon

Sue Wallick

Teddie Waltermyer

Rev. Joshua Wargo

Lisa Welch

Paul Welch

Sharon Whitmore

Anita Wiedenhaefer

Jason Wolf

Carolyn Woods

Mary Yeaple

Scott Yingling

Jeanette Zeiders

Marian Zeiler

Mark Zortman

Nancy-Ann Zortman

A Standing Ovation to our Volunteers!

For almost 100 years, many of the biggest names in entertainment have been featured on the historic stages in front of you. Each show takes the skills and talent of our staff and crew to happen, but we simply cannot forget the very special members of our Appell Center family, without whom none of this would have been possible…

Our Appell Center volunteers and ushers—and there have been hundreds of them over the years—have made this place work for decades.

You meet them first when you first approach the theatre and then as you walk in our doors. Their warmth and friendliness, professionalism and courtesy, inform everyone’s first impression of the Appell Center experience, especially our newer guests.

We often hear from patrons about their experiences while visiting for a live show, learning workshop or film screening, detailing how wonderful our ushers are... how kind and helpful in whatever situation they find themselves in. Often times, this is followed up with a question of how others can join our Volunteer corps!

Looking for something fun, rewarding and community-building? We are always looking for new volunteers to serve as ushers, lobby greeters, bartenders, and more! 

For more information on becoming a volunteer, please click HERE.